Sacred Heart School Newsletters

22 June 2008

20 June 2008

Dear Parents

Another busy week is nearly over. It has been good to see some of the classes beginning their Orphan’s Aid activities.
We have had Warwick Pascoe discussing The Miracle of Life, a visiting author John Parker with Rooms 5 & 7, the Southland Cross Country and the Ronald McDonald Road Safety Show today.
We also want to thank the PTA for the Jump Jam Fitness Programme.
Starting next week all lunch leftovers and rubbish will be sent home with your children. As well, we will begin recycling school paper and cardboard. Thanks for your support with this.

This week our prayers are with the Gaines/Fiebig family.

A reminder about the school Mass this Sunday 22nd June. This is a compulsory mass and we expect all children to attend.
Children are to line up in the school foyer by 10.15 am in their school uniform.

All junior reading books are to be returned to school please. We need to check numbers of books as at present many copies are missing. Any books found over the weekend or during the week will be gratefully accepted!!!!

Many thanks to Ian Sutherland from Stresscrete Southland for the donation of $250 towards musical or sports equipment.

The children who opened bank accounts with the BNZ this week are asked to place their bank book in their class box every Wednesday.
These will be collected each week by a BNZ staff member.

Good luck to Cassidy Mackie, Daniel Hogan and Michael Walker who are representing the Zone at the Southland Cross Country today in Mossburn.

FAMILY FUN NIGHT ~ Next Saturday 28th June, the PTA are holding a Family Fun Night. We will be having a movie which is suitable for all family members and is guaranteed to be enjoyed by everyone! We will be selling yummy treats and will have a sausage sizzle from 6.00 p.m. Make sure you bring a cushion to sit on and be ready to have lots of fun!!!
Tickets are $5 each (pre-schoolers free) and are available from the office daily till 2.00 p.m.

PEIRCE ORCHARD DELIVERY ~ we have one more order which will be delivered to school next Thursday 26th June. Please fill in the order form on the notice board in the junior corridor before Tuesday 24th (& money to the office) if you are wanting apples, pumpkins or honey.


Registrations from 10.30am Swim at 11am sharp. Entry: A gold coin donation to Hospice.
Win a 26inch Panasonic widescreen LCD TV.

Well done to all the children who took part in the Aerobics Festival on Sunday. They all did very well.
Many thanks to Miss Swney, Miss Kirkwood, Mrs Sutherland and Isabella Forde.

Sting (Mrs Brown’s Team) Tuesday 17th June won 8 – 4. Player of the Day was Emily Bower
Steel (Mrs Russell’s Team) Tuesday 17th June won 10 – 3. Player of the Day was Sarayha MacDonald
Stars (Mrs Millynn's Team) Tuesday 17th June lost 4 - 11. Players of the Day was Kelsey Waddell

N.B. No games Tuesday 24th June. Practices will still be held at school on Monday.

Class Happenings
Cross Country
On the 6th of June, 08 Mitchell Smith, Braydon Shuttleworth, Imelda Wilkes, Brooke O’Connor, Tatiana Conway, Cassidy Mackie, Daniel Hogan, Patrick Horn, Jessica-Lee Kyle and Caitlin Russell went to Elizabeth Park for the All Saints Zone Cross Country. They did this to find out who would go to the Southland Cross Country. It was very wet with big puddles and a creek. It was a tough run because we had to go up and down hills, around tight corners, through gaps in some posts, jump over a chain and we were running on rough ground. Daniel, Cassidy and Tatiana were chosen to go to Mossburn for the Southland Cross Country.
By Daniel and Mitchell.

John Parker
John Parker is an author from Auckland. His first book was “I Love Spiders”.John Parker gave us some tips. One tip was always go back to your draft. He read us one chapter of one of his books. “Dragonspell” is about a dragon called Fire Snorter and a prince called Timothy. John Parker has written 127 books. We feel very lucky that he was able to come and speak to us about his writing.
By Carlos and Ryan

Making a Masterpiece
Mr Pascoe came to talk to Sacred Heart School about babies and how they are a masterpiece. He also showed us pictures and small video clips of us forming. It was really interesting when he showed us how big we were from 1day old to 9 months old. We hope that he comes back again another day
By Kelsey, Thomas and Chelsie.

South Spell Competition
On Wednesday 18 of June Imelda, Tatiana, Tammy and Jamee went to the South Spell Competition. They came 18th out of 35 teams. It was a James Hargest Senior Campus. They went to represent Sacred Heart School. It was nerve wracking sitting at the table in the gym, waiting for the competition to start. It was fun because we thought it would be scary and really hard but it was easier than we thought it would be. We got top marks in the Antonyms, Maori and one of the Spelling rounds. Our total score was 87 and the winning team scored 103. There were 11 rounds altogether. At the end we were given a cookie and a nice pen.
By Imelda and Tatiana

Miss Black
Miss Black is a student teacher who comes from the teachers’ college and is helping her dream of being a teacher. She has been with us for 3 weeks now teaching us but she has also been every Monday to have a wee look at what Mrs Buxton is doing with us.
By Madi, Braydon and Calais

Orphans’ Aid
On Wednesday 4 June, Mrs Sue Van Schreven came to Room 5 at Sacred Heart School to talk to us about orphan’s aid. The children in Romania all live in hospital and they try and get as many children into homes.
By Brooke and Chantel

Mr Pascoe Visit
“Mr Gander why are we going to Room 5?”
On Monday the 16th of June 2008 rooms 8, 7 and 5 went into Room 5 for a guest speaker called Mr Pascoe. Mr Pascoe came to tell us how babies were made. First he showed us where he went to travel for work. He also told us that “a person is a person no matter how small they are”. Next he had a time line from when we were the very first day until we were born. Thirdly Mr Pascoe showed us how 1 cell was made. I thought it took a long time to make 1 cell. He also told us about a little baby who was tiny when she was born and her name was Kenya King. Another baby called Samuel Armas had an operation when he was about 15 weeks old and survived.
Mr Pascoe told us that we were born the very first day and our heart was made first then our brain. At the start I thought we looked like a bubble and around us there was other little bubbles which were our food. My most favourite part was watching the slide show about making cells. By Briar Kilsby

On Monday 16th of June a guy called Mr Pascoe came and visited us. He told us that he’s been to lots of places like Antarctica, Namibia, Australia, Solomon Islands and Africa. He told us about how we’re formed and what we looked like when we were weeks, days and months old. He told us about a girl called Kenya King who was born months early, and how a boy called Samuel Armas had an operation when he was still in his mother’s tummy. It’s amazing how doctors do operations. He said that it’s important for your heart and brain to grow first. He said that babies are made in a type of factory that makes cells. I was amazed about how small babies were at a couple of weeks old; I thought we would be bigger. By Erica Forde


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