Sacred Heart School Newsletters

08 June 2012

31 May

Dear Parents

Homework expectations for the Junior Syndicate.
Please see below the maximum time we expect the children to spend on Homework each day.  This homework is a reinforcement of what has been taught in the classroom so will not be new learning.  If these homework activities become challenging for you or your child please see your class teacher.
Where a number of pages have been specified for reading, please do not let your child read beyond these as they will be part of the next teaching and learning steps for your child.
Room 1 and 2:  Reading and “First Words” as required – 15 mins.
Room 3-6: Reading – 10 minutes, Basic facts - 10 minutes, Spelling words - 10 minutes, R.E. - 10 minutes as required.
On Wednesday, Room 5 will bring home their Smart Words book to complete the Day 4 activity.
We would also encourage you to take your children to the city library or use the school library books for additional reading material.
As always, please help your child return these resources in their home folder to school each day. 
I have completed a search for a booklist and came up with these two websites that may be helpful.  Ignore the fact that they are for boys and choose some of the titles that I'm sure our girls will enjoy as well.  There were no explicit lists for girls!!!!
We thank you for the support you give your children.

Otatara Bus
A reminder the Otatara bus will not be running tomorrow. Parents are asked to make alternative arrangements.

All Bus Children
We ask parents to contact the school if their child is not going home on the bus.
Too much time is being wasted looking for children in the playground, only to find they have already been picked up. We would appreciated your attention with this matter.

South Spell Competition
Todays TipPraise your Child
Children can never get enough praise.  It is often easy to comment on what a child should not be doing, and we often forget to notice all the great things that your child is doing.
·       Catch your child being good – don’t save praise for perfect behaviour.
·       Don’t worry about spoiling your children with praise.
·       Increase praise for difficult children.
·       Model self praise – e.g. “Wow, I really did a good job with that!”
·       Give specific praise for behaviours you want to see more of.
·       Praise with smiles, eye contact and enthusiasm.
·       Don’t combine praise with correction.
·       Praise immediately.
·       Give pats, hugs and kisses along with specific praise.
·       Use praise consistently to build a new behaviour.
·       Praise in front of other people.

More information can be found at

Congratulations to Ella Richardson, Mike O’Connell, Mathew Brooks, and Erik Cahill who competed in the South Spell Spelling competition last night. We were thrilled with their awesome teamwork. They competed against 41 other schools

Sharks Donate Basketballs
Sacred Heart School are very lucky to have the Sharks Basketball coach, coming to coach us on Mondays at lunchtime. It was so much FUN.  We learnt heaps of things like, how to start bouncing a basketball without picking it up and throwing the ball up in the air and spinning around then catching the ball. But what we didn’t expect is that Sharks coach Richard Dickel gave Sacred Heart School 10 new BASKETBALLS.  
We were so amazed that the Sharks would do that. It was so generous.

Altar Servers
Saturday 2 June             7.00 pm             Sam & Nathan Russell
Sunday 3rd June             10.30 am           Sam & Charlotte Sherriff
Children’s Liturgy                                                Trish Sherriff

Sports Results
Sacred Heart Stars lost to Rimu 6-3. POD Jake Meikle
Sacred Heart Shooters won by 6-3.   POD was Caleb Brown

Reilly McLean received the ‘Player of the Day’ award for his Blues Rugby team last week.

School Fair - Sunday 4th November 2012  ~  As Peter has already explained in the past couple of newsletters, the PTA is making arrangements for our biennial school fair. This is a special year for the school and a reunion to celebrate its 50 years is being held this same weekend. We are hoping that many past students will attend the school Fair as their last event for the weekend.
In order to make this a special event and run a successful fair, we do need more helpers, and ask for at least one volunteer from each classroom to help with the organising of that classroom’s event, and where possible any other general fair requirements that they may have the ability and time to help with. As an example Room 6 has in the past helped organise and run the Devonshire Tea stall for the day of the fair. The parent helper would co-ordinate a parent roster (using parents from Room 6) for the stall on the day of the Fair, help in ensuring we had all the requirements for this stall i.e. ensure we arrange for scones to be made, that the overall grocery requirements include the coffee, tea, milk, sugar, cream, jam, serviettes, gloves etc. and arrange for any necessary urns. Other types of events include bouncy castle(s), pony rides, cake stall, cake walk, face painting, ice cream van, BBQ, chocolate wheel etc - these get shared out between classes, BOT and the PTA and any willing volunteers. 
The PTA has a working document which tells us what we need to organise, order or purchase, with quantities for all the stalls we have run in the past, so in a lot of cases it's about working through this document and allocating who will organise each requirement for the stalls involved. The more volunteers we have the easier it becomes for all as the jobs are shared amongst many. This is a great event for the school and our community, and we have raised more than $10,000 from the last few school fairs. We're keen for parents to get involved and to hear about any proven money making ideas which we may be able to add to this year’s fair.

If you are able to help we would love to see you at our first Fair meeting on Wednesday 6th June at 7.30pm at school. If you would like to find out more before the meeting, feel free to talk to your classroom teacher, parents who were here for the last fair or any of the current PTA. Times and days for future meetings will be discussed that night.  We estimate one meeting per month of up to 2 hours. If you would like to be involved but are unable to attend, please feel free to text Susanne Brown on 0212602243 or contact the office.

Room 8 Class Happenings
In Room 8 we have been doing report writing. We can be either a news reporter or a newspaper reporter. We are reporting on the Van De Graaff generator. What is a Van De Graaff generator you might ask? Well I am going to tell you. A Van De Graaff generator is a machine that makes static electricity. You might ask how it makes static electricity. Well it’s your lucky day. The Van De Graaff generator makes static electricity by the rubber belt, it spins around so fast it makes static electricity. Some people touched it and got an electric shock. I touched it and I never got an electric shock. It was so much fun.

For Art we have been doing construction. Everybody got a partner and a country that we had to research. With your partner you had to make a bedroom or a lounge room for your country’s climate. Tom (my partner) and I are doing a bedroom for England. So far it has been so much fun.

Written by Jacob Downing  

Pedestrian Crossing
After a spate of red-light-runners at the pedestrian crossing this term it has been suggested that a “crossing supervisor “ role be resumed for the safety of the children using the crossing before and after school. The most practical and cost-effective method will be to have parent volunteers supervise the crossing for about 15minutes before and after school.
If you would be available to share this role on occasion please fill in the attached form and return it to the school office by Friday 8 June please.

Name:    ………………………………………………………….

Parent/carer of: ………………………………………………..

Phone number: ……………………………………………

E-mail address:…………………………………………………….

I would be available for crossing duty on the following days/times:
(please circle those which apply)

Mon: AM          Tues: AM          Wed: AM          Thurs: AM         Fri: AM
Mon: PM          Tues: PM          Wed: PM          Thurs: PM         Fri: PM


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